Fusion Youth Group

We welcome all 6th grade - 12th grade students


Our youth group at SBC is called Fusion, we are composed of 6th grade through 12th grade students from a variety of schools! We have students from New Kent, Hanover, Henrico, Home School programs, and more!


We meet twice a week all year!

10:15 am – Sunday Bible Study

6:30 pm – Wednesday Youth Activities


Youth House

Each week we will meet at our youth house, located across the back parking lot from the church at 12 Pickett Avenue.


Mission Trips (Home repair and outreach)
Summer Program – SWAG
(Summer Wednesday Activities with God)
Sunday Bible Studies
Youth Praise Team
Special events and more!


And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.

Matthew 22:37-38

More Info

Ask to be added to the youth group updates email list sbcyouth@gmail.com

OR contact Youth Minister Justin Blunt jbluntsbc@gmail.com

We are also on Facebook and Instagram:
SBC Fusion Facebook Page*
*It is a closed group to members


Our youth group at SBC is called Fusion, we are composed of 6th grade through 12th grade students from a variety of schools! We have students from New Kent, Hanover, Henrico, Home School programs, and more!


We meet twice a week all year!

10:15 am – Sunday Bible Study

6:30 pm – Wednesday Youth Activities


Youth House

Each week we will meet at our youth house, located across the back parking lot from the church at 12 Pickett Avenue.


Mission Trips (Home repair and outreach)
Summer Program – SWAG
(Summer Wednesday Activities with God)
Sunday Bible Studies
Youth Praise Team
Special events and more!


And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.

Matthew 22:37-38

More Info

Ask to be added to the youth group updates email list sbcyouth@gmail.com

OR contact Youth Minister Justin Blunt jbluntsbc@gmail.com

We are also on Facebook and Instagram:
SBC Fusion Facebook Page*
*It is a closed group to members