Adult Bible Study

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:15 am

The Agape Class

A woman’s class who is engaged in the nine-year plan of studying all the books in the Bible.

G.I.F.T. (Growing In Faith Together)

Women of various ages and experiences searching the scripture together in a discussion format. The aim of the class is the verse from which the name was taken:

“Live as children of light . . . and find out what pleases the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8b, 10b.

The Earl Gerheart Bible Class / Adult 4

A class for men and women….”Old enough to seek wisdom, young enough to serve.”

The Pathways Class

Class for young adults.

The Man Class

A class for men exploring the Bible to understand better how it applies to our lives. Taking scriptures and applying them to real-life situations to be the spiritual leaders God calls us to be.

“Be on your guard; Stand firm in the faith; Be men of courage; Be strong.” I Corinthians 16:13

Seed Planters

A topical Bible study class that focuses on real-life application for women of varying ages.

The Vines Class / Adult 2

A Bible Study class for both men and women of varying ages.

The Branches Class

An in-depth Bible study class for men and women of varying ages. Believing that we cannot apply what we don’t understand, this class focuses on a verse-by-verse study of the scriptures including historical and cultural background study.

“Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all of this.” 2 Timothy 2:7

Women of Faith

Our class is committed to courageous conversation, critical thinking, and, most importantly, divine inspiration. Enjoy an hour of spiritual renewal with friends at the beginning of your week to enhance your faith and support your journey. From Beth Moore studies to our current study on “managing our moods”, it is amazing what God is teaching us as a small group of women committed to studying and living His word!